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17 January 23

Beta – National Dealers Seminar 2018

Held on the 17.02.18, at Hotel Montebelo Viseu, Beta anual dealers seminar gathered about 170 participants, among brand representatives, dealers and press.

The event aimed to present the brand's novelties for 2018, the launch of the new general catalog and the promotional leaflet Beta Action.


Regarding the novelties, we point out the certification of roller cabs and the launch of the Height-Safe tool range (anti-fall), which allows greater safety, saving time and costs, especially in works at height.


Additionally, the range of special tools for the auto sector has been reinforced once again, with special emphasis on the new multi-purpose trolley.

New industrial cabinets and a range of tool bags of exquisite design and exceptional sturdiness are some of the innovations of the brand for 2018.


In order to provide its dealers with tools for coaching, negotiation and motivation, Bolas, S.A. invited the renowned international speaker, João Catalão, for a lecture on the topic Sales Up - vitamine your sales. A great way to end the day, with an energy boost adaptable to sales and also to the personal development of the participants.



Finally, Bolas, SA took the opportunity to announce the results of the Reconstruction Campaign, which intended to support the victims of fires in the summer of 2017. Two Associations were present:  Associação de Vítimas do Incêndio de Pedrogão Grande and Associação de Vítimas do Maior Incêndio de Sempre em Portugal, who shared their support and prevention projects regarding calamities such as those that recently devastated the central region of the country.


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